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CV Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by: Sharifa Bakhtani | Aug 22, 2023

Embarking on a job search journey? Your CV is your ultimate ally, and we're here to ensure it shines bright. Welcome to our friendly guide, where we'll walk you through the most common CV mistakes our recruitment consultants have seen many times and how to avoid them!


Starting with the foundation of your CV, let's address a critical aspect – spelling accuracy. Accurate spelling isn't just about correctness; it reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. Imagine crafting an impressive CV, only to have a spelling mistake create an unintended distraction. By meticulously reviewing and correcting any spelling errors, you're ensuring that your CV communicates your qualifications clearly and professionally.

There are several strategies you can employ to steer clear of spelling mishaps. One effective approach is to utilise tools like Grammarly, which can act as your vigilant spell-checking companion. Integrating Grammarly into your CV crafting process can automatically catch and rectify spelling and grammatical blunders, providing an extra layer of assurance. Additionally, consider having a friend or trusted colleague review your CV. A fresh set of eyes can often spot errors that you might have overlooked.

Creating a habit of proofreading your CV multiple times, with a specific focus on spelling accuracy, is another invaluable technique. Reading your CV aloud can help identify awkward phrases or typos that might not be apparent through silent reading. Remember, even the smallest spelling mistake can cast doubt on your attention to detail. By dedicating time to ensure impeccable spelling, you're not only presenting yourself as a meticulous candidate but also increasing your chances of making a strong and positive impression on potential employers.

Updated Contact Details

Moving forward, let's delve into the crucial realm of updated information and contact details on your CV. Ensuring that your contact information is current might seem like a small detail, but it plays a significant role in your job search journey. Instead of cluttering your CV with your full address, consider including just the postcode. This approach provides location context to potential employers without compromising your privacy. Equally vital is your phone number and email address. Think of these as direct lifelines to exciting job opportunities. Make it a top priority to verify that both are up-to-date and functioning. Imagine an employer being impressed by your qualifications, ready to take the next step, only to find that the phone number or email address is incorrect – it's a missed connection that you definitely want to avoid.

To add an extra layer of professionalism, opt for an email address that consists of your name rather than a nickname or an address you've had since childhood. This small adjustment can convey your seriousness and commitment to the application process. Additionally, it's advisable to use a personal email address rather than a work email, especially if you're currently employed. By keeping your contact information current and polished, you're ensuring that potential employers can easily reach out to you and that you're putting your best foot forward from the very start of the hiring process

Unclear career objective

Your personal profile is often one of the first things employers see when they open your CV, and it can make or break their decision to continue reading. Think of it as your elevator pitch, a concise yet powerful introduction that sets the tone for the rest of your CV.

A well-crafted personal profile or career objective not only tells potential employers who you are but also clarifies the direction you're heading. If it's vague or lacks specificity, it can leave employers scratching their heads. 

To avoid this, consider tailoring your personal profile to match the specific job or industry you’re aiming for. Emphasise aspects of your background that directly align with the position you’re pursuing. This initial impression sets a positive tone for the remainder of your CV so make sure it’s done right.


Exaggerating on your CV might seem tempting, but it's a risky move. Being truthful about your skills and accomplishments is key. If you catch yourself wanting to stretch the truth, think about the potential fallout. Getting caught could not only cost you the job but harm your professional reputation. Honesty matters, and being genuine will serve you better in the end. 

If you feel as though there’s not enough to mention on your CV that will get you the job then maybe work on volunteering some places or taking some courses to make yourself stand out.

Focusing too much on the details

Focusing excessively on listing your job duties in your CV can be a common oversight. While outlining your responsibilities is important, it's equally crucial to showcase your achievements and the tangible impact you've made. Employers are not only interested in what you did, but how effectively you did it. By solely detailing tasks, you might miss the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to excel beyond the basics. 

To avoid this mistake, strike a balance between highlighting your daily tasks and emphasising your accomplishments. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to provide context. Did you increase sales by a certain percentage? Lead a team that achieved specific goals? When you illustrate your contributions with numbers or tangible outcomes, you give employers a clearer picture of your value. This way, your CV transforms from a mere list of responsibilities into a dynamic representation of your ability to drive results.


As you tackle the world of CVs, it's totally normal to stumble into some common blunders – like accidentally making your achievements sound grander than life or getting a bit carried away with listing your daily tasks. We've all been there! But guess what? Realizing these slip-ups is the first step towards dodging them in the future.

Ready to give your CV a power-up? How about treating yourself to a free CV review? And if you're feeling adventurous, why not dive into our professional CV rewrite services? Jump in today to start the journey of transforming your CV into a true representation of your awesomeness. Who knows, your dream job could be just a polished CV away! Get registered with this link and give us a call to see how we can help you!

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